ICSE has formed partnerships with prestigious software engineering journals to incorporate journal-first papers into the ICSE program. Through this initiative, authors of journal-first papers accepted in the partnering journals will be invited to present their work at ICSE, thus providing an opportunity for the authors to engage directly with the community and offering the ICSE attendees an additional dimension to the research track program.
The journals that support the journal-first model as partners with ICSE are:
- IEEE Transaction of Software Engineering (IEEE TSE),
- ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (ACM TOSEM),
- Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE).
Wed 29 MayDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
11:00 - 12:30 | Automated Program Repair 1Journal-First Papers / Technical Track / Papers at Laurier Chair(s): Lars Grunske Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | ||
11:00 20mTalk | Learning to Spot and Refactor Inconsistent Method NamesTechnical Track Technical Track Kui Liu Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology Lab, Dongsun Kim Furiosa.ai, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé SnT, University of Luxembourg, Taeyoung Kim Chonbuk National University, Kisub Kim University of Luxembourg, SnT, Anil Koyuncu University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Suntae Kim , Yves Le Traon University of Luxembourg Pre-print | ||
11:20 20mTalk | Harnessing Evolution for Multi-Hunk Program RepairTechnical Track Technical Track Seemanta Saha University of California Santa Barbara, Ripon Saha Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., Mukul Prasad Fujitsu Laboratories of America | ||
11:40 20mTalk | On Learning Meaningful Code Changes via Neural Machine TranslationTechnical Track Technical Track Michele Tufano College of William and Mary, Jevgenija Pantiuchina Università della Svizzera italiana, Cody Watson , Gabriele Bavota Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Denys Poshyvanyk William and Mary Pre-print | ||
12:00 10mTalk | Mining Fix Patterns for FindBugs ViolationsJournal-First Journal-First Papers Kui Liu Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology Lab, Dongsun Kim Furiosa.ai, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé SnT, University of Luxembourg, Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Yves Le Traon University of Luxembourg Pre-print | ||
12:10 10mTalk | Test-equivalence Analysis for Automatic Patch GenerationJournal-First Journal-First Papers Sergey Mechtaev University College London, Xiang Gao National University of Singapore, Shin Hwei Tan Southern University of Science and Technology, Abhik Roychoudhury National University of Singapore | ||
12:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
11:00 - 12:30 | Security 1Journal-First Papers / Papers / Technical Track / New Ideas and Emerging Results / Software Engineering in Practice at Van-Horne Chair(s): Corina S. Păsăreanu Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley, NASA Ames Research Center | ||
11:00 20mTalk | Interventions for Software Security: Creating a Lightweight Program of Assurance Techniques for DevelopersSEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice Charles Weir Lancaster University, Lynne Blair Lancaster University, Ingolf Becker University College London, M. Angela Sasse University College London, James Noble Victoria University of Wellington, Awais Rashid University of Bristol, UK | ||
11:20 20mTalk | Towards Better Utilizing Static Application Security TestingSEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice Jinqiu Yang Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Lin Tan Purdue University, John Peyton HCL America, Kristofer A Duer AppScan Source | ||
11:40 20mTalk | LEOPARD: Identifying Vulnerable Code for Vulnerability Assessment through Program MetricsTechnical Track Technical Track Xiaoning Du Nanyang Technological University, Bihuan Chen Fudan University, Yuekang Li Nanyang Technological University, Jianmin Guo Tsinghua University, Yaqin Zhou Nanyang Technological University, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Yu Jiang | ||
12:00 10mTalk | A Screening Test for Disclosed Vulnerabilities in FOSS ComponentsIndustry ProgramJournal-First Journal-First Papers Stanislav Dashevskyi University of Luxembourg, Achim D. Brucker The University of Sheffield, Fabio Massacci University of Trento Link to publication DOI Pre-print | ||
12:10 10mTalk | VULTRON: Catching Vulnerable Smart Contracts Once and for AllNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Haijun Wang Nanyang Technological University, Yi Li Nanyang Technological University, Shang-Wei Lin Nanyang Technological University, Lei Ma Kyushu University, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | ||
12:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
11:00 - 12:30 | Static AnalysisTechnical Track / Papers / Demonstrations at Viger Chair(s): Mauro Pezze Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) (Switzerland) and Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca (Italy) | ||
11:00 20mTalk | SMOKE: Scalable Path-Sensitive Memory Leak Detection for Millions of Lines of CodeTechnical Track Technical Track Gang Fan Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Rongxin Wu Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Qingkai Shi Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Xiao Xiao Sourcebrella Inc., Jinguo Zhou Sourcebrella Inc., Charles Zhang The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Pre-print | ||
11:20 20mTalk | Reasonably-Most-General Clients for JavaScript Library AnalysisTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track | ||
11:40 20mTalk | Resource-aware Program Analysis via Online Abstraction CoarseningTechnical Track Technical Track | ||
12:00 20mTalk | SMT-Based Refutation of Spurious Bug Reports in the Clang Static AnalyzerDemos Demonstrations Mikhail R. Gadelha SIDIA Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, Enrico Steffinlongo , Lucas C. Cordeiro University of Manchester, UK, Bernd Fischer Stellenbosch University, Denis A. Nicole University of Southampton | ||
12:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
14:00 - 15:30 | Debugging and Fault LocalizationJournal-First Papers / Papers / Demonstrations / Technical Track at Laurier Chair(s): Marsha Chechik University of Toronto | ||
14:00 20mTalk | A System Identification based Oracle for Control-CPS Software Fault LocalizationTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Zhijian He The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Yao Chen The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Enyan Huang The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Qixin Wang The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Yu Pei The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Haidong Yuan The Chinese University of Hong Kong | ||
14:20 20mTalk | VeDebug: Regression Debugging Tool for JavaDemos Demonstrations Ben Buhse The University of Texas at Austin, Thomas Wei The University of Texas at Austin, Zhiqiang Zang The University of Texas at Austin, Aleksandar Milicevic , Milos Gligoric University of Texas at Austin | ||
14:40 20mTalk | ReCDroid: Automatically Reproducing Android Application Crashes from Bug ReportsTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Yu Zhao University of Kentucky, Tingting Yu University of Kentucky, Ting Su Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Wei Zheng Northwestern Polytechnical University, Jingzhi Zhang Northwestern Polytechnical University, William G.J. Halfond University of Southern California | ||
15:00 10mTalk | How Practitioners Perceive Automated Bug Report Management TechniquesIndustry ProgramJournal-First Journal-First Papers Weiqin Zou nju, David Lo Singapore Management University, Zhenyu Chen Nanjing University, Xin Xia Monash University, Yang Feng University of California, Irvine, Baowen Xu | ||
15:10 10mTalk | Chaff from the Wheat: Characterizing and Determining Valid Bug ReportsJournal-First Journal-First Papers Yuanrui Fan , Xin Xia Monash University, David Lo Singapore Management University, Ahmed E. Hassan Queen's University | ||
15:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
14:00 - 15:30 | DevOps and LoggingSoftware Engineering in Practice / Technical Track / Papers at Mansfield / Sherbrooke Chair(s): Diomidis Spinellis Athens University of Economics and Business | ||
14:00 20mTalk | An Empirical Investigation of Incident Triage for Online Service SystemsSEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice Junjie Chen Peking University, Xiaoting He Microsoft, Qingwei Lin Microsoft Research, China, Yong Xu Microsoft, China, Hongyu Zhang The University of Newcastle, Dan Hao Peking University, Feng Gao Microsoft, Zhangwei Xu Microsoft, Yingnong Dang Microsoft Azure, Dongmei Zhang Microsoft Research, China | ||
14:20 20mTalk | Tools and Benchmarks for Automated Log ParsingSEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice Jieming Zhu Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, Shilin He Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jinyang Liu Sun Yat-Sen University, Pinjia He Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Qi Xie Southwest Minzu University, Zibin Zheng School of Data and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University, Michael Lyu | ||
14:40 20mTalk | Mining Historical Test Logs to Predict Bugs and Localize Faults in the Test LogsTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track | ||
15:00 20mTalk | DLFinder: Characterizing and Detecting Duplicate Logging Code SmellsTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Zhenhao Li Concordia University, Tse-Hsun (Peter) Chen Concordia University, Jinqiu Yang , Weiyi Shang Concordia University, Canada | ||
15:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
16:00 - 18:00 | Mobile AppsJournal-First Papers / Technical Track / Software Engineering in Practice / Papers / New Ideas and Emerging Results at Mansfield / Sherbrooke Chair(s): Sandeep Kuttal The University of Tulsa | ||
16:00 20mTalk | Large-scale Empirical Study on Industrial Fake AppsSEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice Chongbin Tang East China Normal University, Sen Chen Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Lingling Fan Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Lihua Xu , Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Zhushou Tang Pwnzen Infotech Inc., Liang Dou East China Normal University | ||
16:20 20mTalk | Practical Android Test Recording with Espresso Test RecorderSEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice | ||
16:40 20mTalk | Mimic: UI Compatibility Testing System for Android AppsTechnical Track Technical Track Taeyeon Ki Samsung Research America, Chang Min Park University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Karthik Dantu University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Steve Ko University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Lukasz Ziarek SUNY Buffalo, USA | ||
17:00 20mTalk | IconIntent: Automatic Identification of Sensitive UI Widgets based on Icon Classification for Android AppsTechnical Track Technical Track Xusheng Xiao Case Western Reserve University, Xiaoyin Wang University of Texas at San Antonio, USA, Zhihao Cao Case Western Reserve University, Hanlin Wang Case Western Reserve University, Peng Gao Princeton University Pre-print | ||
17:20 10mTalk | Studying Bad Updates of Top Free-to-Download Apps in the Google Play StoreIndustry ProgramJournal-First Journal-First Papers Safwat Hassan Queens University, Kingston, Canada, Cor-Paul Bezemer University of Alberta, Canada, Ahmed E. Hassan Queen's University | ||
17:30 10mTalk | Navigation-aware and Personalized Prefetching of Network Requests in Android AppsIndustry ProgramNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Francesco Nocera Polytechnic University of Bari, Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Marina Mongiello Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy Pre-print Media Attached | ||
17:40 20mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
16:00 - 18:00 | Program Comprehension and ReusePapers / Journal-First Papers / Technical Track at St-Paul / Ste-Catherine Chair(s): Baishakhi Ray Columbia University, New York | ||
16:00 20mTalk | Active Inductive Logic Programming for Code SearchTechnical Track Technical Track Aishwarya Sivaraman University of California, Los Angeles, Tianyi Zhang University of California, Los Angeles, Guy Van den Broeck University of California, Los Angeles, Miryung Kim University of California, Los Angeles Pre-print | ||
16:20 10mTalk | The State of Empirical Evaluation in Static Feature LocationJournal-First Journal-First Papers Abdul Razzaq , Asanka Wasala University of Limerick, Chris Exton University of Limerick, Jim Buckley Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick | ||
16:30 10mTalk | Automatic and accurate expansion of abbreviations in parametersJournal-First Journal-First Papers Yanjie Jiang Beijing Institute of Technology, Hui Liu Beijing Institute of Technology, Jiaqi Zhu Beijing Institute of Technology, Lu Zhang Peking University | ||
16:40 20mTalk | NL2Type: Inferring JavaScript Function Types from Natural Language InformationTechnical Track Technical Track Rabee Sohail Malik TU Darmstadt, Jibesh Patra Technical University of Darmstadt, Michael Pradel University of Stuttgart Pre-print Media Attached File Attached | ||
17:00 20mTalk | Analyzing and Supporting Adaptation of Online Code ExamplesTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Tianyi Zhang University of California, Los Angeles, Di Yang University of California at Irvine, USA, Crista Lopes , Miryung Kim University of California, Los Angeles Pre-print | ||
17:20 20mTalk | DockerizeMe: Automatic Inference of Environment Dependencies for Python Code SnippetsTechnical Track Technical Track | ||
17:40 20mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
16:00 - 18:00 | SE Datasets, Research Infrastructure, and MethodologyJournal-First Papers / New Ideas and Emerging Results / Demonstrations / Papers / Technical Track at Viger Chair(s): Rashina Hoda The University of Auckland | ||
16:00 20mTalk | BugSwarm: Mining and Continuously Growing a Dataset of Reproducible Failures and FixesTechnical Track Technical Track Naji Dmeiri University of California, Davis, David A Tomassi University of California, Davis, Yichen Wang University of California, Davis, Antara Bhowmick University of California, Davis, Yen-Chuan Liu University of California, Davis, Prem Devanbu University of California, Bogdan Vasilescu Carnegie Mellon University, Cindy Rubio-González University of California, Davis Pre-print | ||
16:20 20mTalk | DefeXts: A Curated Dataset of Reproducible Real-World Bugs for Modern JVM LanguagesDemos Demonstrations Samuel Benton The University of Texas at Dallas, Ali Ghanbari The University of Texas at Dallas, Lingming Zhang | ||
16:40 10mTalk | Open Collaborative Data – using OSS principles to share data in SW engineeringNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Per Runeson Lund University | ||
16:50 10mTalk | Leveraging Small Software Engineering Data Sets with Pre-trained Neural NetworksNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results | ||
17:00 20mTalk | ActionNet: Vision-based Workflow Action Recognition From Programming ScreencastsTechnical Track Technical Track Dehai Zhao , Zhenchang Xing Australia National University, Chunyang Chen Monash University, Xin Xia Monash University, Guoqiang Li Shanghai Jiao Tong University | ||
17:20 10mTalk | The ABC of Software Engineering ResearchJournal-First Journal-First Papers Klaas-Jan Stol University College Cork and Lero, Ireland, Brian Fitzgerald Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick Link to publication DOI | ||
17:30 10mTalk | Mining Plausible Hypotheses from the Literature via Meta-AnalysisNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Vladimir Ivanov , Giancarlo Succi Innopolis University, Jooyong Yi UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) | ||
17:40 10mTalk | Analyzing Families of Experiments in SE: a Systematic Mapping StudyJournal-First Journal-First Papers Adrian Santos Parrilla , Omar Gomez Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo Riobamba, Natalia Juristo Universidad Politecnica de Madrid | ||
17:50 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
Thu 30 MayDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
11:00 - 12:30 | Unit TestingTechnical Track / Software Engineering in Practice / Papers / Journal-First Papers at Laurier Chair(s): Martin Kropp University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland | ||
11:00 30mTalk | (SEIP Talk) Mythical Unit Test CoverageSEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice | ||
11:30 20mResearch paper | Hunting for Bugs in Code Coverage Tools via Randomized Differential TestingTechnical Track Technical Track Yibiao Yang Nanjing University, China, Yuming Zhou , Hao Sun Unaffiliated, Zhendong Su ETH Zurich, Zhiqiang Zuo Nanjing University, China, Lei Xu Nanjing University, Baowen Xu | ||
11:50 20mTalk | Rotten Green TestsTechnical Track Technical Track Julien Delplanque University of Lille, Stéphane Ducasse INRIA Lille, Guillermo Polito Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, Inria, UMR 9189 - CRIStAL - Centre de Recherche en Informatique Signal et Automatique de Lille, Andrew P. Black Portland State University and INRIA, Anne Etien Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille | ||
12:10 10mTalk | A comprehensive study of pseudo-tested methodsJournal-First Journal-First Papers Oscar Luis Vera Pérez INRIA, Benjamin Danglot University Lille 1 and INRIA, Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Benoit Baudry KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Link to publication DOI Pre-print | ||
12:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
11:00 - 12:30 | RequirementsDemonstrations / Papers / New Ideas and Emerging Results / Technical Track / Journal-First Papers at Van-Horne Chair(s): Liliana Pasquale University College Dublin & Lero, Ireland | ||
11:00 20mTalk | MCP: A Security Testing Tool Driven by RequirementsDemos Demonstrations Phu X. Mai University of Luxembourg, Fabrizio Pastore University of Luxembourg, Arda Goknil University of Luxembourg, Lionel Briand SnT Centre/University of Luxembourg | ||
11:20 20mTalk | RM2PT: A Tool for Automated Prototype Generation from Requirements ModelDemos Demonstrations Yilong Yang University of Macau, Xiaoshan Li Faculty of Science and Technology, Univesity of Macau, Zhiming Liu Southwest University, Wei Ke Macao Polytechnic Institute | ||
11:40 20mTalk | Supporting Analysts by Dynamic Extraction and Classification of Requirements-Related KnowledgeTechnical Track Technical Track Zahra Shakeri University of Calgary, Vincenzo Gervasi University of Pisa, Didar Zowghi University of Technology, Sydney, Behrouz Far University of Calgary | ||
12:00 10mTalk | An Active Learning Approach for Improving the Accuracy of Automated Domain Model ExtractionJournal-First Journal-First Papers Chetan Arora SES Networks and University of Luxembourg, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh SnT Centre / University of Luxembourg, Shiva Nejati SnT Centre/University of Luxembourg, Lionel Briand SnT Centre/University of Luxembourg | ||
12:10 10mTalk | Requirements Engineering as Science in the SmallNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results | ||
12:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
14:00 - 15:30 | |||
14:00 20mTalk | ENRE: A Tool Framework for Extensible eNtity Relation ExtractionDemos Demonstrations Wuxia Jin Xi'an Jiaotong University, Yuanfang Cai Drexel University, Rick Kazman University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Qinghua Zheng MOEKLINNS Lab, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049, China, Di Cui Xi'an Jiaotong University, Ting Liu MOEKLINNS Lab, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049, China | ||
14:20 20mTalk | Detection and Repair of Architectural Inconsistencies in JavaTechnical Track Technical Track Negar Ghorbani University of California, Irvine, Joshua Garcia University of California, Irvine, Sam Malek University of California, Irvine | ||
14:40 20mTalk | Can I Have a Stack Trace to Examine the Dependency Conflict Issue?Technical Track Technical Track Ying Wang Northeastern University, China, Ming Wen The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Rongxin Wu Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Zhenwei Liu Northeastern University, China, Shin Hwei Tan Southern University of Science and Technology, Zhiliang Zhu Northeastern University, China, Hai Yu Northeastern University, China, Shing-Chi Cheung Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | ||
15:00 20mTalk | Investigating the Impact of Multiple Dependency Structures on Software DefectsTechnical Track Technical Track Di Cui Xi'an Jiaotong University, Ting Liu MOEKLINNS Lab, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049, China, Yuanfang Cai Drexel University, Qinghua Zheng MOEKLINNS Lab, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049, China, Qiong Feng Drexel University, Wuxia Jin Xi'an Jiaotong University, Jiaqi Guo Xi'an Jiaotong University, Yu Qu Xi'an Jiaotong University | ||
15:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
14:00 - 15:30 | Trends and Challenges in SENew Ideas and Emerging Results / Technical Track / Software Engineering in Practice / Papers at Place du Canada Chair(s): Barbora Buhnova Masaryk University | ||
14:00 20mTalk | Software Engineering for Machine Learning: A Case StudySEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice Saleema Amershi Microsoft, Andrew Begel Microsoft Research, Christian Bird Microsoft Research, Robert DeLine Microsoft Research, Harald Gall University of Zurich, Ece Kamar Microsoft, Nachiappan Nagappan Microsoft Research, Besmira Nushi Microsoft Research, Thomas Zimmermann Microsoft Research Pre-print | ||
14:20 10mTalk | Blockchain-based Software EngineeringNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Moritz Beller Delft University of Technology, Joseph Hejderup Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Pre-print | ||
14:30 10mTalk | On Testing Quantum ProgramsNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Pre-print | ||
14:40 10mTalk | Towards a Systematic Study of Values in SE: Tools for Industry and EducationNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Emily Winter Lancaster University, Stephen Forshaw Lancaster University, Lucy Hunt Lancaster University, Maria Angela Ferarrio Lancaster University | ||
14:50 10mTalk | Robustness and Games Against Nature in Molecular ProgrammingNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Jack H. Lutz Iowa State University, Neil Lutz University of Pennsylvania, Robyn Lutz Iowa State University, Matthew Riley Iowa State University | ||
15:00 20mTalk | Statistical Algorithmic Profiling for Randomized Approximate ProgramsTechnical Track Technical Track Keyur Joshi University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Vimuth Fernando University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sasa Misailovic University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Pre-print | ||
15:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
14:00 - 15:30 | Crowdsourced Knowledge and FeedbackJournal-First Papers / Technical Track / Software Engineering in Practice / Papers at St-Paul / Ste-Catherine Chair(s): Xin Xia Monash University | ||
14:00 20mTalk | Emerging App Issue Identification from User Feedback: Experience on WeChatSEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice Cuiyun Gao The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Wujie Zheng Tencent, Inc., Yuetang Deng Tencent, Inc., David Lo Singapore Management University, Jichuan Zeng , Michael Lyu , Irwin King | ||
14:20 10mTalk | An Empirical Study of Game Reviews on the Steam PlatformIndustry ProgramJournal-First Journal-First Papers Dayi Lin Queen's University, Cor-Paul Bezemer University of Alberta, Canada, Ying Zou Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Ahmed E. Hassan Queen's University | ||
14:30 20mTalk | How Reliable is the Crowdsourced Knowledge of Security Implementation?Technical Track Technical Track Mengsu Chen Virginia Tech, Felix Fischer Technical University of Munich, Na Meng Virginia Tech, Xiaoyin Wang University of Texas at San Antonio, USA, Jens Grossklags Technical University of Munich | ||
14:50 20mTalk | Pattern-based Mining of Opinions in Q&A WebsitesTechnical Track Technical Track Bin Lin Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Fiorella Zampetti University of Sannio, Gabriele Bavota Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Massimiliano Di Penta University of Sannio, Michele Lanza Universita della Svizzera italiana (USI) | ||
15:10 10mTalk | How Do Users Revise Answers on Technical Q&A Websites? A Case Study on Stack OverflowIndustry ProgramJournal-First Journal-First Papers Shaowei Wang Queen's University, Tse-Hsun (Peter) Chen Concordia University, Ahmed E. Hassan Queen's University | ||
15:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
14:00 - 15:30 | Requirements Engineering for Mass-Market SoftwareSoftware Engineering in Practice / Technical Track / Papers / Journal-First Papers / Demonstrations at Van-Horne Chair(s): Paul Ralph University of Auckland | ||
14:00 30mTalk | (SEIP Talk) Data-Driven Requirements EngineeringSEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice Walid Maalej University of Hamburg, Maleknaz Nayebi Polytechnique Montréal, Guenther Ruhe University of Calgary | ||
14:30 20mTalk | Guigle: A GUI Search Engine for Android AppsDemosIndustry Program Demonstrations Carlos Bernal-Cárdenas William and Mary, Kevin Moran College of William & Mary, Michele Tufano College of William and Mary, Zichang Liu College of William & Mary, Linyong Nan College of William & Mary, Zhehan Shi College of William & Mary, Denys Poshyvanyk William and Mary Pre-print Media Attached | ||
14:50 20mTalk | StoryDroid: Automated Generation of Storyboard for Android AppsTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Sen Chen Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Lingling Fan Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Chunyang Chen Monash University, Ting Su Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Wenhe Li New York University Shanghai, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Lihua Xu | ||
15:10 10mTalk | Metamorphic Relations for Enhancing System Understanding and UseJournal-First Journal-First Papers Zhi Quan (George) Zhou University of Wollongong, Australia, Liqun Sun University of Wollongong, Tsong Yueh Chen Swinburne University of Technology, Dave Towey University of Nottingham Ningbo China | ||
15:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
Fri 31 MayDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
11:00 - 12:30 | Mining Software Changes and PatternsTechnical Track / Demonstrations / Papers at Centre-Ville Chair(s): Ayşe Başar Ryerson University | ||
11:00 20mTalk | The List is the Process: Reliable Pre-Integration Tracking of Commits on Mailing ListsTechnical Track Technical Track Ralf Ramsauer OTH Regensburg, Daniel Lohmann Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wolfgang Mauerer OTH Regensburg / Siemens AG | ||
11:20 20mTalk | Graph-based Mining of In-the-Wild, Fine-grained, Semantic Code Change PatternsTechnical Track Technical Track Hoan Nguyen Iowa State University, Tien N. Nguyen University of Texas at Dallas, Danny Dig School of EECS at Oregon State University, Son Nguyen The University of Texas at Dallas, Hieu Tran The University of Texas at Dallas, Michael Hilton Carnegie Mellon University, USA | ||
11:40 20mTalk | Coming: a Tool for Mining Change Pattern Instances from Git CommitsDemos Demonstrations | ||
12:00 20mTalk | PatchNet: A Tool for Deep Patch ClassificationDemos Demonstrations Thong Hoang Singapore Management University, Singapore, Julia Lawall Inria/LIP6, Richard J Oentaryo McLaren Applied Technologies, Singapore, Yuan Tian Queens University, Kingston, Canada, David Lo Singapore Management University | ||
12:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
11:00 - 12:30 | |||
11:00 20mTalk | SLF: Fuzzing without Valid Seed InputsTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Wei You Purdue University, Xuwei Liu Zhejiang University, Shiqing Ma Purdue University, USA, David Mitchel Perry Purdue University, Xiangyu Zhang Purdue University, Bin Liang Renmin University of China, China | ||
11:20 20mTalk | Superion: Grammar-Aware Greybox FuzzingTechnical Track Technical Track Junjie Wang Nanyang Technological University, Bihuan Chen Fudan University, Lei Wei Nanyang Technological University, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | ||
11:40 20mTalk | Grey-box Concolic Testing on Binary CodeTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Jaeseung Choi KAIST, Joonun Jang Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics, Choongwoo Han NAVER Corporation, Sang Kil Cha KAIST | ||
12:00 20mTalk | REST-ler: Stateful REST API FuzzingTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Vaggelis Atlidakis Columbia University, Patrice Godefroid Microsoft Research, Marina Polishchuk Microsoft Link to publication | ||
12:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
11:00 - 12:30 | Machine Learning in Static AnalysisPapers / Technical Track at Place du Canada Chair(s): Na Meng Virginia Tech | ||
11:00 20mTalk | Training Binary Classifiers as Data Structure InvariantsTechnical Track Technical Track Facundo Molina Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina, Renzo Degiovanni SnT, University of Luxembourg, Pablo Ponzio Dept. of Computer Science FCEFQyN, University of Rio Cuarto, Germán Regis Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Nazareno Aguirre Dept. of Computer Science FCEFQyN, University of Rio Cuarto, Marcelo F. Frias Dept. of Software Engineering Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires | ||
11:20 20mTalk | Graph Embedding based Familial Analysis of Android Malware using Unsupervised LearningTechnical Track Technical Track Ming Fan MOEKLINNS Lab, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049, China, Xiapu Luo , Jun Liu MOEKLINNS Lab, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049, China, Meng Wang University of Bristol, UK, Chunyin Nong , Qinghua Zheng MOEKLINNS Lab, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049, China, Ting Liu MOEKLINNS Lab, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049, China | ||
11:40 20mTalk | A Novel Neural Source Code Representation based on Abstract Syntax TreeTechnical Track Technical Track Jian Zhang Beihang University, Xu Wang Beihang University, Hongyu Zhang The University of Newcastle, Hailong Sun Beihang University, Kaixuan Wang Beihang University, Xudong Liu Beihang University Pre-print | ||
12:00 20mTalk | A Neural Model for Generating Natural Language Summaries of Program SubroutinesTechnical Track Technical Track Alexander LeClair University Of Notre Dame, Siyuan Jiang Eastern Michigan University, Collin McMillan | ||
12:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
11:00 - 12:30 | ConcurrencyTechnical Track / Demonstrations / Papers at St-Denis / Notre-Dame Chair(s): Tuba Yavuz University of Florida | ||
11:00 20mTalk | Safe Automated Refactoring for Intelligent Parallelization of Java 8 StreamsTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Raffi Khatchadourian City University of New York (CUNY) Hunter College, Yiming Tang City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center, Mehdi Bagherzadeh Oakland University, Syed Ahmed Oakland University Pre-print Media Attached | ||
11:20 20mTalk | Detecting Atomicity Violations for Event-Driven Node.js ApplicationsTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Xiaoning Chang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wensheng Dou Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yu Gao Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Jie Wang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jun Wei Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Tao Huang Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences | ||
11:40 20mTalk | Parallel Refinement for Multi-Threaded Program VerificationTechnical Track Technical Track Liangze Yin National University of Defense Technology, Wei Dong , Wanwei Liu National University of Defense Technology, Ji Wang | ||
12:00 20mTalk | SWORD: A Scalable Whole Program Race Detector for JavaDemos Demonstrations | ||
12:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
11:00 - 12:30 | Software Product LinesDemonstrations / Technical Track / Papers at Van-Horne Chair(s): Shahar Maoz Tel Aviv University | ||
11:00 20mTalk | Intention-Based Integration of Software VariantsTechnical Track Technical Track Max Lillack University of Leipzig, Ştefan Stănciulescu ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland, Wilhelm Hedman , Thorsten Berger Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden / University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Andrzej Wąsowski IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark Pre-print File Attached | ||
11:20 20mTalk | Supporting the Statistical Analysis of Variability ModelsTechnical Track Technical Track Ruben Heradio UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia), David Fernandez-Amoros UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia), Christoph Mayr-Dorn Johannes Kepler University Linz, Alexander Egyed | ||
11:40 20mTalk | xLineMapper: A Product Line Feature-Architecture-Implementation Mapping ToolsetDemos Demonstrations Cuong Cu Cybersource Corporation, Xin Ye California State University San Marcos, Yongjie Zheng California State University San Marcos | ||
12:00 20mTalk | Multifaceted Automated Analyses for Variability-Intensive Embedded SystemsTechnical Track Technical Track Sami Lazreg Visteon Electronics and Universite Cote d Azur, Maxime Cordy SnT, University of Luxembourg, Philippe Collet University of Nice, Patrick Heymans University of Namur, Sébastien Mosser Université Côte d'Azur, France Pre-print | ||
12:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
14:00 - 15:30 | Human FactorsJournal-First Papers / Technical Track / Papers at Centre-Ville Chair(s): Christoph Treude The University of Adelaide | ||
14:00 20mTalk | How Practitioners Perceive Coding ProficiencyTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Xin Xia Monash University, Zhiyuan Wan Zhejiang University, Pavneet Singh Kochhar Microsoft, David Lo Singapore Management University | ||
14:20 20mTalk | Socio-Technical Work-Rate Increase Associates With Changes in Work Patterns in Online ProjectsTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Farhana Sarker , Bogdan Vasilescu Carnegie Mellon University, Kelly Blincoe University of Auckland, Vladimir Filkov University of California at Davis, USA Pre-print | ||
14:40 20mTalk | Why Do Episodic Volunteers Stay in FLOSS Communities?Technical Track Technical Track Ann Barcomb Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nurnberg and Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick, Klaas-Jan Stol University College Cork and Lero, Ireland, Dirk Riehle , Brian Fitzgerald Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick Pre-print | ||
15:00 10mTalk | Uncovering the Periphery: A Qualitative Survey of Episodic Volunteering in Free/Libre and Open Source Software CommunitiesJournal-First Journal-First Papers Ann Barcomb Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nurnberg and Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick, Andreas Kaufmann Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Dirk Riehle , Klaas-Jan Stol University College Cork and Lero, Ireland, Brian Fitzgerald Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick DOI Pre-print | ||
15:10 10mTalk | Discovering Community Patterns in Open-Source: A Systematic Approach and Its EvaluationJournal-First Journal-First Papers Damian Andrew Tamburri TU/e, Fabio Palomba University of Zurich, Alexander Serebrenik Eindhoven University of Technology, Andy Zaidman TU Delft Pre-print | ||
15:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
14:00 - 15:30 | API AnalysisTechnical Track / Demonstrations / Papers at Duluth Chair(s): Sam Malek University of California, Irvine | ||
14:00 20mTalk | Exposing Library API Misuses via Mutation AnalysisTechnical Track Technical Track Ming Wen The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Yepang Liu Southern University of Science and Technology, Rongxin Wu Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Xuan Xie School of Data and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, Shing-Chi Cheung Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Zhendong Su ETH Zurich | ||
14:20 20mDemonstration | Vetting API Usages in C Programs with IMCheckerDemos Demonstrations Zuxing Gu School of Software, Tsinghua University, Jiecheng Wu Tsinghua University, Li Chi Tsinghua University, Min Zhou Tsinghua University, Yu Jiang , Ming Gu Tsinghua University, Jiaguang Sun Pre-print | ||
14:40 20mTalk | PIVOT: Learning API-Device Correlations to Facilitate Android Compatibility Issue DetectionTechnical Track Technical Track Lili Wei The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Yepang Liu Southern University of Science and Technology, Shing-Chi Cheung Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Pre-print | ||
15:00 20mTalk | SafeCheck: Safety Enhancement of Java Unsafe APITechnical Track Technical Track Shiyou Huang Texas A&M University, Jianmei Guo Alibaba Group, Sanhong Li Alibaba Inc., Xiang Li Alibaba, Yumin Qi Alibaba, Kingsum Chow , Jeff Huang Texas A&M University | ||
15:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
14:00 - 15:30 | Testing of AI SystemsNew Ideas and Emerging Results / Demonstrations / Technical Track at Place du Canada Chair(s): Marija Mikic Google | ||
14:00 20mTalk | CRADLE: Cross-Backend Validation to Detect and Localize Bugs in Deep Learning LibrariesTechnical Track Technical Track Hung Viet Pham University of Waterloo, Thibaud Lutellier , Weizhen Qi University of Science and Technology of China, Lin Tan Purdue University Pre-print | ||
14:20 20mTalk | Guiding Deep Learning System Testing using Surprise AdequacyTechnical Track Technical Track Jinhan Kim KAIST, Robert Feldt Chalmers University of Technology, Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Authorizer link Pre-print | ||
14:40 20mTalk | DeepConcolic: Testing and Debugging Deep Neural NetworksDemos Demonstrations Youcheng Sun University of Oxford, Xiaowei Huang University of Liverpool, Daniel Kroening University of Oxford, James Sharp Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), Matthew Hill Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), Rob Ashmore Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) | ||
15:00 10mTalk | Towards Improved Testing For Deep LearningNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Pre-print | ||
15:10 10mTalk | Structural Coverage Criteria for Neural Networks Could Be MisleadingNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Zenan Li Nanjing University, Xiaoxing Ma Nanjing University, Chang Xu Nanjing University, Chun Cao Nanjing University Pre-print | ||
15:20 10mTalk | Robustness of Neural Networks: A Probabilistic and Practical PerspectiveNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results |
14:00 - 15:30 | Specifications and ModelsPapers / Demonstrations / Technical Track at Van-Horne Chair(s): Sylvain Hallé Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada | ||
14:00 20mTalk | PsALM: Specification of Dependable Robotic MissionsDemos Demonstrations Claudio Menghi University of Luxembourg, SnT, Christos Tsigkanos Technische Universität Wien, Thorsten Berger Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden / University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Patrizio Pelliccione Chalmers | University of Gothenburg and University of L'Aquila | ||
14:20 20mTalk | Symbolic Repairs for GR(1) SpecificationsTechnical Track Technical Track Shahar Maoz Tel Aviv University, Jan Oliver Ringert Tel Aviv University, Rafi Shalom Tel Aviv University | ||
14:40 20mTalk | ARepair: A Repair Framework for AlloyDemos Demonstrations Kaiyuan Wang Google, Inc., Allison Sullivan North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University, Sarfraz Khurshid University of Texas at Austin | ||
15:00 20mTalk | Visual Debugging of Behavioural ModelsDemos Demonstrations Gianluca Barbon Université Grenoble Alpes, Inria, LIG, Vincent Leroy University of Grenoble - CNRS, Gwen Salaün University of Grenoble Alpes, Emmanuel Yah Université Grenoble Alpes | ||
15:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
14:00 - 15:30 | Crowdsourcing in Software EngineeringPapers / Software Engineering in Practice / Technical Track at Viger Chair(s): Tayana Conte Universidade Federal do Amazonas | ||
14:00 30mTalk | (SEIP Talk) Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering: Models, Motivations, and ChallengesSEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice Thomas LaToza George Mason University | ||
14:30 20mTalk | CTRAS: Crowdsourced Test Report Aggregation and SummarizationTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track hao rui , Yang Feng University of California, Irvine, James Jones University of California, Irvine, Yuying Li State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Zhenyu Chen Nanjing University | ||
14:50 20mTalk | iSENSE: Completion-Aware Crowdtesting ManagementTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Junjie Wang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ye Yang Stevens institute of technology, Rahul Krishna NC State University, Tim Menzies North Carolina State University, Qing Wang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences | ||
15:10 20mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
16:00 - 17:20 | Software DocumentationTechnical Track / Papers / Software Engineering in Practice / Journal-First Papers at Centre-Ville Chair(s): Bonita Sharif University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA | ||
16:00 20mTalk | Web Feature Deprecation: A Case Study for ChromeSEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice Ariana Mirian University of California San Diego, Nikunj Bhagat Google, Caitlin Sadowski , Adriana Porter Felt Google, Stefan Savage University of California San Diego, Geoffrey M. Voelker University of California San Diego | ||
16:20 20mTalk | Software Documentation Issues UnveiledTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Emad Aghajani Software Institute, USI - Lugano, Switzerland, Csaba Nagy Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Olga Lucero Vega-Marquez Universidad de los Andes, Universidad de los Llanos, Mario Linares-Vásquez Systems and Computing Engineering Department , Universidad de los Andes , Bogotá, Colombia , Laura Moreno Colorado State University, Gabriele Bavota Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Michele Lanza Universita della Svizzera italiana (USI) Pre-print | ||
16:40 20mTalk | 9.6 Million Links in Source Code Comments: Purpose, Evolution, and DecayTechnical Track Technical Track Hideaki Hata Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Christoph Treude The University of Adelaide, Raula Gaikovina Kula NAIST, Takashi Ishio Nara Institute of Science and Technology DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
17:00 10mTalk | Categorizing the Content of GitHub README FilesJournal-First Journal-First Papers Gede Artha Azriadi Prana Singapore Management University, Christoph Treude The University of Adelaide, Ferdian Thung , Thushari Atapattu The University of Adelaide, David Lo Singapore Management University Link to publication DOI Pre-print | ||
17:10 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
16:00 - 17:20 | APIsNew Ideas and Emerging Results / Technical Track / Papers / Demonstrations at Duluth Chair(s): Chris Parnin NCSU | ||
16:00 20mTalk | FOCUS: A Recommender System for Mining API Function Calls and Usage PatternsTechnical Track Technical Track Phuong T. Nguyen University of L’Aquila, Juri Di Rocco Università di L'Aquila, Davide Di Ruscio University of L'Aquila, Lina Ochoa , Thomas Degueule CWI, Netherlands, Massimiliano Di Penta University of Sannio Pre-print | ||
16:20 20mTalk | DRONE: A Tool to Detect and Repair Directive Defects in Java APIs DocumentationDemos Demonstrations Yu Zhou , Xin Yan Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Taolue Chen Birkbeck, University of London, Sebastiano Panichella Zurich University of Applied Science/University of Zurich, Harald Gall University of Zurich | ||
16:40 20mTalk | MULAPI: A Tool for API Method and Usage Location RecommendationDemos Demonstrations Congying Xu Yangzhou University, Bosen Min Yangzhou University, Xiaobing Sun Yangzhou University, Jiajun Hu The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Bin Li Yangzhou University, Yucong Duan Hainan University | ||
17:00 10mTalk | API FluencyNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Romain Robbes Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Mircea F. Lungu University of Groningen, Andrea Janes | ||
17:10 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
16:00 - 17:20 | Code ReviewsPapers / Journal-First Papers / Technical Track at Laurier Chair(s): Alexander Serebrenik Eindhoven University of Technology | ||
16:00 20mTalk | Test-Driven Code Review: An Empirical StudyTechnical TrackIndustry Program Technical Track Davide Spadini Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Fabio Palomba University of Zurich, Tobias Baum Leibniz Universität Hannover, Stefan Hanenberg University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Magiel Bruntink Software Improvement Group, Alberto Bacchelli University of Zurich DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
16:20 20mTalk | Why Does Code Review Work for Open Source Software Communities?Technical Track Technical Track Adam Alami IT University of Copenhagen, Marisa Leavitt Cohn IT University of Copenhagen, Andrzej Wąsowski IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark Pre-print | ||
16:40 10mTalk | Does Reviewer Recommendation Help Developers?Industry ProgramJournal-First Journal-First Papers Vladimir Kovalenko TU Delft, Nava Tintarev Delft University of Technology, Evgeny Pasynkov JetBrains GmbH, Christian Bird Microsoft Research, Alberto Bacchelli University of Zurich DOI Pre-print | ||
16:50 10mTalk | The Impact of Human Factors on the Participation Decision of Reviewers in Modern Code ReviewJournal-First Journal-First Papers Shade Ruangwan Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Patanamon Thongtanunam The University of Melbourne, Akinori Ihara Wakayama University, Kenichi Matsumoto Nara Institute of Science and Technology DOI Pre-print | ||
17:00 20mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
16:00 - 17:20 | Testing and Analysis: Domain-Specific ApproachesTechnical Track / Journal-First Papers / Papers at Place du Canada Chair(s): Gregory Gay University of South Carolina, Chalmers | University of Gothenburg | ||
16:00 20mTalk | Detecting Incorrect Build RulesTechnical Track Technical Track Pre-print Media Attached | ||
16:20 20mTalk | Adversarial Sample Detection for Deep Neural Network through Model Mutation TestingTechnical Track Technical Track Jingyi Wang National University of Singapore, Singapore, Guoliang Dong Computer College of Zhejiang University, Jun Sun Singapore Management University, Singapore, Xinyu Wang Zhejiang University, Peixin Zhang Zhejiang University | ||
16:40 10mTalk | Oracles for Testing Software Timeliness with UncertaintyJournal-First Journal-First Papers Chunhui Wang University of Luxembourg, Fabrizio Pastore University of Luxembourg, Lionel Briand SnT Centre/University of Luxembourg | ||
16:50 20mTalk | Deep Differential Testing of JVM ImplementationsTechnical Track Technical Track Yuting Chen Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ting Su Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Zhendong Su ETH Zurich | ||
17:10 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
16:00 - 17:20 | Reverse EngineeringTechnical Track / Papers at St-Paul / Ste-Catherine Chair(s): Sandeep Kuttal The University of Tulsa | ||
16:00 20mTalk | Recovering Variable Names for Minified Code with Usage ContextsTechnical Track Technical Track Hieu Tran The University of Texas at Dallas, Ngoc Tran , Son Nguyen The University of Texas at Dallas, Hoan Nguyen Iowa State University, Tien N. Nguyen University of Texas at Dallas | ||
16:20 20mTalk | Gigahorse: Thorough, Declarative Decompilation of Smart ContractsTechnical Track Technical Track Neville Grech University of Athens, Lexi Brent University of Sydney, Bernhard Scholz University of Sydney, Australia, Yannis Smaragdakis University of Athens | ||
16:40 20mTalk | Probabilistic DisassemblyTechnical Track Technical Track Kenneth Miller Purdue University, Yonghwi Kwon University of Virginia, Yi Sun Purdue University, USA, Zhuo Zhang Purdue University, Xiangyu Zhang Purdue University, Zhiqiang Lin The Ohio State University | ||
17:00 20mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
16:00 - 17:20 | Program TransformationsNew Ideas and Emerging Results / Technical Track / Papers at Van-Horne Chair(s): Cindy Rubio-González University of California, Davis | ||
16:00 20mTalk | Global Optimization of Numerical Programs via Prioritized Stochastic Algebraic TransformationsTechnical Track Technical Track Xie Wang Nanjing University, Huaijin Wang Nanjing University, Zhendong Su ETH Zurich, Enyi Tang Nanjing University, Xin Chen Nanjing University, Weijun Shen Nanjing University, Zhenyu Chen Nanjing University, Linzhang Wang , Xianpei Zhang Nanjing University, Xuandong Li Nanjing University | ||
16:20 20mTalk | Type Migration in Ultra-Large-Scale CodebasesTechnical Track Technical Track Ameya Ketkar Oregon State University, USA, Ali Mesbah University of British Columbia, Davood Mazinanian University of British Columbia, Danny Dig School of EECS at Oregon State University, Eddie Aftandilian Google Pre-print | ||
16:40 20mTalk | Dynamic Slicing for AndroidTechnical Track Technical Track Tanzirul Azim Microsoft, USA, Arash Alavi University of California, Riverside, Iulian Neamtiu New Jersey Institute of Technology, Rajiv Gupta UC Riverside | ||
17:00 10mTalk | Conditional Compilation is Dead, Long Live Conditional Compilation!NIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Pre-print | ||
17:10 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
16:00 - 17:20 | Software QualitySoftware Engineering in Practice / New Ideas and Emerging Results / Papers / Technical Track at Viger Chair(s): Ying Zou Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario | ||
16:00 20mTalk | WSQF: Comprehensive Software Quality Evaluation Framework and Benchmark based on the SQuaRESEIPIndustry Program Software Engineering in Practice Naohiko Tsuda Waseda University, Hironori Washizaki Waseda University, Kiyoshi Honda , Hidenori Nakai Waseda University, Yoshiaki Fukazawa Waseda University, Motoei Azuma Waseda University, Toshihiro Komiyama NEC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, Tadashi Nakano Computer Software Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Hirotsugu Suzuki Computer Software Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Sumie Morita FUJITSU GENERAL LIMITED, Kanagawa, Japan (until the end of FY2017, FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.,Kanagawa, Japan), Katsue Kojima Fujitsu Limited, Tokyo, Japan, Akiyoshi Hando FUJITSU BROAD SOLUTION & CONSULTING Inc., Tokyo, Japan | ||
16:20 20mTalk | Leveraging Artifact Trees to Evolve and Reuse Safety CasesTechnical Track Technical Track Ankit Agrawal University of Notre Dame, Seyedehzahra Khoshmanesh Iowa State University, Michael Vierhauser University of Notre Dame, Mona Rahimi , Jane Cleland-Huang University of Notre Dame, Robyn Lutz Iowa State University | ||
16:40 10mTalk | Trade-off-Oriented Development: Making Quality Attribute Trade-offs First-ClassNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Tobias Dürschmid Carnegie Mellon University, Institute for Software Research, Eunsuk Kang Carnegie Mellon University, David Garlan Carnegie Mellon University Pre-print | ||
16:50 10mTalk | Current Challenges in Practical Object-Oriented Software DesignNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Maurício Aniche Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Joe Yoder The Refactory, Inc., Fabio Kon University of São Paulo | ||
17:00 20mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |
Not scheduled yet
Not scheduled yet Talk | Extending Abstract Interpretation to Dependency Analysis of Database ApplicationsJournal-First Journal-First Papers Raju Halder Indian Institute of Technology Patna |
Accepted Papers
Call for Contributions
A submission to the ICSE 2019 call for journal-first paper presentations must adhere to the following criteria:
- The associated accepted journal paper was submitted to a journal from the list below no earlier than June 1, 2017:
- IEEE Transaction of Software Engineering (IEEE TSE),
- ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (ACM TOSEM),
- Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE).
- The paper is in the scope of the conference.
- The paper reports completely new research results and/or presents novel contributions that significantly extend and were not previously reported in prior work; and
- The paper does not extend prior work solely with additional proofs or algorithms (or other such details presented for completeness), additional empirical results, or minor enhancements or variants of the results presented in the prior work.
- The paper has not been presented at, and is not under consideration for, journal-first programs of other conferences.
How to Submit
The authors of a paper that respects these criteria are invited to submit a one-page presentation proposal (in IEEE 2-column format) consisting of the paper’s title, the paper’s authors, an extended abstract, and a pointer to the original journal paper at the journal’s Web site. Submissions will open on November 1.
Authors will be invited to present their paper at ICSE 2019 after a check that the paper is in scope with respect to the conference. As the papers have been already reviewed and accepted by the journals, they will not be reviewed again for technical content. In case an exceptionally high number of submissions is received, not all will be selected. Priority will be given to the papers that best fit the technical program, offer a balance across the topics, and increase opportunities for authors to attend ICSE who might not otherwise attend.
Important Dates
- Submission opens: November 1, 2018
- Submission deadline: November 30, 2018
- Notification: January 15, 2019
- Submissions close at 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12)
If a submission is accepted for the journal-first program, at least one author of the associated journal paper must register and attend the conference to present the paper. A journal-first presentation will be scheduled in a session with topically-related Technical Track papers, but will be allocated a short-paper time slot (comparable to the time slot allotted to a short paper, such as a NIER paper).
The journal-first manuscripts are published through the journals and will not be part of the ICSE proceedings. The journal-first papers will be listed in the conference program
Journal-First chair
- Betty H.C. Cheng, Michigan State University, USA