Registered user since Sat 9 Dec 2017
Name:Lionel Briand
Affiliation:SnT Centre/University of Luxembourg
Personal website: http://people.svv.lu/briand/
Research interests:Software engineering, software verification and validation, model-driven software engineering, empirical software engineering
- Recap of ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE TCSE Awards
- Session Chair of Harlan Mills / ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award (part of Plenary)
- MCP: A Security Testing Tool Driven by Requirements
- An Active Learning Approach for Improving the Accuracy of Automated Domain Model Extraction
- Session Chair of Awards Plenary (part of Plenary)
- Session Chair of Thursday Opening Session (part of Plenary)
- Awards Chair in Organizing Committee
- Oracles for Testing Software Timeliness with Uncertainty
ICSE 2019-profile
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