Supporting the Statistical Analysis of Variability Models
Technical Track
Variability models are broadly used to specify the configurable features of highly customizable software. In practice, they can be large, defining thousands of features with their dependencies and conflicts. In such cases, visualization techniques and automated analysis support are crucial to understanding the models. This paper contributes to this line of research by presenting a novel, probabilistic foundation for statistical reasoning about variability models. Our approach not only provides a new way to visualize, describe and interpret variability models, but it also supports the improvement of current methods; for instance, increasing the sensitivity of existing analysis operations for variability models and providing exact computations where only approximations were available before. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach using real case studies with up to 17,365 features, and written in two different languages (KConfig and feature models).
Fri 31 MayDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
11:00 - 12:30 | Software Product LinesDemonstrations / Technical Track / Papers at Van-Horne Chair(s): Shahar Maoz Tel Aviv University | ||
11:00 20mTalk | Intention-Based Integration of Software Variants Technical Track Max Lillack University of Leipzig, Ştefan Stănciulescu ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland, Wilhelm Hedman , Thorsten Berger Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden / University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Andrzej Wąsowski IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark Pre-print File Attached | ||
11:20 20mTalk | Supporting the Statistical Analysis of Variability Models Technical Track Ruben Heradio UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia), David Fernandez-Amoros UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia), Christoph Mayr-Dorn Johannes Kepler University Linz, Alexander Egyed | ||
11:40 20mTalk | xLineMapper: A Product Line Feature-Architecture-Implementation Mapping ToolsetDemos Demonstrations Cuong Cu Cybersource Corporation, Xin Ye California State University San Marcos, Yongjie Zheng California State University San Marcos | ||
12:00 20mTalk | Multifaceted Automated Analyses for Variability-Intensive Embedded SystemsTechnical Track Technical Track Sami Lazreg Visteon Electronics and Universite Cote d Azur, Maxime Cordy SnT, University of Luxembourg, Philippe Collet University of Nice, Patrick Heymans University of Namur, Sébastien Mosser Université du Québec à Montréal Pre-print | ||
12:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |