Registered user since Fri 24 Aug 2018
Dr. Torgeir Dingsøyr works with software process improvement and knowledge management projects as chief scientist at SINTEF Digital. He has published articles in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Software, Communications of the ACM, Information and Software Technology, Journal of Systems and Software and Empirical Software Engineering. In particular, he has focused on agile software development through a number of case studies, co-authoring of a systematic review of empirical studies, co-editing of the book “Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions”, and co-edited the special issue on Agile Methods the Journal of Systems and Software and the special section on continuous value delivery in Information and Software Technology. He wrote his doctoral thesis on “Knowledge Management in Medium-Sized Software Consulting Companies” at the Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, where he is now Adjunct Professor.
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