Registered user since Mon 30 Oct 2017
Silvia Abrahão is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). Her main areas of expertise are quality assurance in model-driven engineering, empirical assessment of software modeling approaches and the integration of usability in software development. She was visiting professor at the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute (2010 and 2012), the Université catholique de Louvain (2007 and 2017), and the Ghent University (2004). She has (co)authored over 130 peer-reviewed publications. She is currently leading the Spanish Network of Excellence on Software Quality and Sustainability. She is a member of the editorial board of the Software and System Modeling (SoSyM) journal and an Associate Editor of IEEE Software, responsible for Software Quality. She served as General Co-Chair of ACM/IEEE MODELS 2014 and is currently the Vice Chair for the MODELS steering committee.
- Session Chair of Opening and Introductions (part of Doctoral Symposium)
- Doctoral Symposium Chair in Organizing Committee
- ICSE Papers Awards (NIER, SEET, Doctoral Symposium)
- Doctoral Symposium Chair in Program Committee within the Doctoral Symposium-track
- Committee Member in Artifact Evaluation Committee within the Artifact Evaluation-track
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