Registered user since Fri 28 Sep 2018
I received a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering in 2006 and a PhD in Software Engineering in 2011 at Seville University, where I currently work as a Senior Lecturer (Accredited Associate Professor). I am a member of the Applied Software Engineering research group, where I lead the research lines on software testing and search-based software engineering. I have authored some highly-cited papers as well as tools used by universities and companies in more than 20 countries. I also serve regularly as a reviewer for journals as IEEE TSE, ESE, STVR, JSS, and IST among others. In 2016, I co-founded the ICSE International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing (ICSE MET’16). My current research interests include, among others, metamorphic testing, mutation testing, random testing, debugging, test case selection and prioritization, and Web API testing.
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