Registered user since Wed 21 Mar 2018
Name:Sarah Beecham
I am a Senior Research Fellow in Lero – the Irish Software Research Centre, based at the University of Limerick, Ireland (https://www.lero.ie). I joined Lero in 2009, to conduct research into software quality and process improvement. My wider interests are in socio-technical aspects of software engineering to include Software Engineer motivation, agile methods, distributed software development, and how technology impacts the lives of the older adult. I work closely with industry, where my research is problem driven. I am also interested in the education of the next generation of software engineers. In my empirical research I employ both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Affiliation:Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick
Personal website: https://www.lero.ie/people/sarah-beecham
Research interests:Global Software Development, Software Engineer Motivation, Evidence Based Software Engineering, Software Engineering Education, Fault Prediction, Software Process Improvement, Agile and Lean practices
International Conference on Global Software Engineering
ICSE 2019-profile
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