Registered user since Mon 22 Oct 2018
Dr. Jens Heidrich is heading the process management division at Fraunhofer IESE in Kaiserslautern, Germany since 2011. IESE is one of the leading institutions of applied research and technology transfer in the area of software and systems engineering. The process management division is dealing with the continuous improvement of business and engineering processes making use of established best practices and reference models as well as goal-oriented data analytics. Major drivers of the projects of the division are digital transformation, business alignment, and the need for more flexibility and efficiency in software engineering. Since 2011, he is member of the national steering board of the working group for software measurement of the German computer science association (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.). Since 2018, he is also a member of subcommittee for the IEEE Computer Society / SEI Watts S. Humphrey Software Process Achievement (SPA) Award. His research interest are in how to adjust software and systems engineering processes for building the highly integrated systems of the future trends (coping with increased complexity of systems, multi-disciplinary development, integrated safety and security, shorter development cycles, etc.). A special interest is in how to use agile methods and practices in regulatory environments.
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