Registered user since Mon 23 May 2016
Currently, I’m an Assistant Professor at University of Minho, Department of Informatics, and an integrated member of the research center NOVA LINCS.
My research is mainly focused on Programming Languages (PLs) and Software Engineering (SE), where I try to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and usability of software. I have contributed with such techniques for spreadsheets, and for improving software energy consumption.
I obtained my PhD degree in Computer Science from Universidade do Minho in 2011. I was then a post-doctoral fellow at Universidade do Minho and Oregon State University. I was also an Invited Professor at Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Felgueiras - Instituto Politécnico do Porto. From 2014 to 2018 I was Assistant Professor at NOVA University of Lisbon.
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