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ICSE 2019
Sat 25 - Fri 31 May 2019 Montreal, QC, Canada
Claudio Di Ciccio

Registered user since Sun 14 Oct 2018

Name:Claudio Di Ciccio

I am an assist­ant pro­fessor at the In­sti­tute for In­form­a­tion Busi­ness and mem­ber of the Re­search In­sti­tute for Cryp­toe­co­nom­ics at the Vi­enna Uni­versity of Eco­nom­ics and Busi­ness (WU Vi­enna), Aus­tria.

My re­search in­terests in­clude pro­cess min­ing, de­clar­at­ive pro­cess mod­el­ling, and cryp­toe­co­nom­ics. I have pub­lished about 60 re­search pa­pers, among oth­ers in In­form­a­tion Sys­tems, De­cision Sup­port Sys­tems, ACM Trans­ac­tions on Man­age­ment In­form­a­tion Sys­tems, and IEEE In­ter­net Com­put­ing.

I am mem­ber of the IEEE Task Force on Pro­cess Min­ing. I serve as a re­viewer for in­ter­na­tional journ­als, in­clud­ing ACM TOSEM, In­form­a­tion Sys­tems, and DKE, and have been a PC mem­ber of con­fer­ences and work­shops, such as BPM, IJ­CAI, and IC­SSP. I or­gan­ise in­ter­na­tional work­shops in­clud­ing the Work­shop on De­clar­at­ive/De­cision/Hy­brid Min­ing and Mod­el­ling for Busi­ness Pro­cesses (DeH­MiMoP).

In August 2018, I have been nominated Researcher of the Month of WU Vienna. In September 2015, I re­ceived the best pa­per award of the 13th con­fer­ence on Busi­ness Pro­cess Man­age­ment. I ob­tained my Ph.D. in Com­puter Science and En­gin­eer­ing with hon­our­able men­tion in 2013 at Sapi­enza, Uni­versity of Rome, with a thesis on the auto­mated dis­cov­ery of flex­ible work­flows from semi-­struc­tured text data sources.

Affiliation:WU Vienna
Research interests:Process mining, Declarative modelling, Blockchains


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