Researchers have proposed many automated program repair techniques for imperative languages, e.g. Java. However, little work has been done to repair programs written in declarative languages, e.g. Alloy. We proposed ARepair, the first automated program repair technique for faulty Alloy models. ARepair takes as input a faulty Alloy model and a set of tests that capture the desired model properties, and produces a fixed model that passes all tests. ARepair uses tests written for the recently introduced AUnit framework, which provides a notion of unit testing for Alloy models. In this paper, we describes our Java implementation of ARepair, which is a command-line tool, released as an open-source project on GitHub. Our experimental results show that ARepair is able to fix 28 out of 38 real-world faulty models we collected. The demo video for ARepair can be found at
Fri 31 MayDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
14:00 - 15:30 | Specifications and ModelsPapers / Demonstrations / Technical Track at Van-Horne Chair(s): Sylvain Hallé Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada | ||
14:00 20mTalk | PsALM: Specification of Dependable Robotic MissionsDemos Demonstrations Claudio Menghi University of Luxembourg, SnT, Christos Tsigkanos Technische Universität Wien, Thorsten Berger Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden / University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Patrizio Pelliccione Chalmers | University of Gothenburg and University of L'Aquila | ||
14:20 20mTalk | Symbolic Repairs for GR(1) Specifications Technical Track Shahar Maoz Tel Aviv University, Jan Oliver Ringert Tel Aviv University, Rafi Shalom Tel Aviv University | ||
14:40 20mTalk | ARepair: A Repair Framework for AlloyDemos Demonstrations Kaiyuan Wang Google, Inc., Allison Sullivan North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University, Sarfraz Khurshid University of Texas at Austin | ||
15:00 20mTalk | Visual Debugging of Behavioural ModelsDemos Demonstrations Gianluca Barbon Université Grenoble Alpes, Inria, LIG, Vincent Leroy University of Grenoble - CNRS, Gwen Salaün University of Grenoble Alpes, Emmanuel Yah Université Grenoble Alpes | ||
15:20 10mTalk | Discussion Period Papers |